Baptism is the first sacrament of welcoming or initiation into our Church. It occurs by the power of the Holy Spirit and through the pouring on or immersing in water as the priest or deacon proclaims, "I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Through this action, the person is cleansed from all sin including original sin, reborn as a child of God, and welcomed into the Body of Christ, our Church. In baptism, we receive the Holy Spirit and, also become co-workers with Christ in his ministry on earth as priest, prophet and king. First time parents must attend a 2-part Baptism Preparation session, which is held four times a year. Call the parish office 920-739-3196 to pre-register for the sessions.
First Communion
Parental involvement in preparation for First Communion is essential. Children learn from hands-on experience; therefore, family meals around the table and participation in Sunday liturgy are the most important points of preparation for this sacrament. It is within the home that preparation starts for the reception of this sacrament. Catechesis in second grade focuses on receiving Jesus in the Eucharist and experiencing Eucharist within the family. Parents will attend meetings during the winter and spring to receive materials for home preparation that enhance what the children are learning in the classroom. In the spring the children and their parents will attend “Jesus Day,” a fun-filled morning retreat to help us focus more intently on the First Communion Day and what Eucharist means to the family. First Communion is generally celebrated in the spring. The readiness of the child for this sacrament is the decision of the parent. Further catechesis is available for a child who might not yet be ready for First Communion in the second grade. Contact the parish if your child has not received Communion and is beyond second grade.
Confirmation is the completion of baptism, with the Holy Spirit coming more fully into the lives of believers. The sacrament is celebrated with those students who are seniors/juniors in high school. Those wishing to be confirmed must be baptized, have received the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Communion and should show “a sincere desire to know Jesus better, a sufficient understanding of the meaning of Confirmation, a willingness to participate in the life of the Church, a desire to deepen their faith through prayer, and be studying with regular attendance at Mass.” Candidates will be expected to have an interview with the pastor at some point towards the end of the process. The Confirmation process, along with all previous sacraments, requires parental involvement in order for growth and development to occur for the candidate. Parents are expected to attend an initial meeting in the fall to learn about the process; parents are to aid their son or daughter in choosing a sponsor and to fill in at events when the sponsor is not available.
As in Baptism, sponsors are requested and play an active role in the Confirmation preparation. A sponsor must be a practicing Catholic of at least 18 years of age or older who has been Baptized, and received the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Communion, and Confirmation. This person is one who is sufficiently mature enough to carry out the responsibilities and requirements of the sponsor. The sponsor, who must be someone other than parents, attends Mass regularly and is supportive in matters of faith. This sponsor can come from many resources including grandparents, neighbors, parishioners, older siblings, godparents, or religion teachers. The sponsors are asked to attend occasional special classes with candidates throughout the year, and attend Confirmation rehearsal and the Confirmation liturgy.