Parish members who are in the hospital receive a daily visit, or phone call from one of the members of the Care Ministry team. They pray with them and offer the support of the parish. The Care Minister can assist them with any questions they may have regarding being anointed or having a priest visit them.
If you know of someone who is in the hospital, please remind them to let the parish know.
The Hospitals do not notify the parish.
Our Care Ministers visit parish members who reside in various nursing homes and/or assisted living. Some members would just like a visit, others would like the Eucharist brought to them.
If you know of a Sacred Heart Parish member who is unable to attend Mass because they are in a nursing home or homebound, please contact the parish office. From there we will schedule someone to visit and bring Eucharist to those who so wish.
MEADOWBROOK (formally Manor Care)
We offer a weekly prayer services with communion. Volunteers help residents gather for the weekly prayer service by pushing wheelchairs, assisting them walking to the gathering space and then back to their rooms.
Care Ministry members visit those who are confined to their homes. Parish members receive Eucharist and a joyful visit bringing support, encouragement and the prayers of the parish.
If you know of a Sacred Heart Parish member who is unable to attend Mass, please contact the parish office. From there we will schedule someone to visit and bring Eucharist to them.
The Bereavement Ministry offers support to those who are suffering with the loss of a loved one. This group contacts every family who has suffered a loss. We offer support and follow-up with monthly mailings.
Preplanning your funeral with the parish can be done at any time. The benefit of planning ahead is that you have your wishes known to family and friends. The gift you leave your loved ones is that they do not have to make those decisions. Schedule a time to come into the parish and discuss those arrangements.
Care Ministers visit on the First Friday of each month bringing Holy Communion to those members of the parish who are unable to come to Church. Phone calls are made the day before a visit to set up a time that is convenient.
Prayer is an active expression that can be practiced by all. The Prayer Chain Ministry is a group of dedicated volunteers who jump into action when a call is received for prayers. Those who volunteers on the Prayer Chain are notified and the praying begins. Prayer requests can be done on the parish web site or by calling the office. If you are interested in becoming a member of the prayer chain, please call Kelli at the Parish Office at 920-739-3196.
The parish has a generous supply of homemade Prayer Shawls. It is intended to be a reminder of God’s ever-present love which is near you. They have lovingly been made by a group a members from the parish. They are blessed and are ready to be given free of charge to anyone who would like one. Contact the parish office and we will see that you receive one.